Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bunny Love

This week, I have gathered a few letters from our May Queen readers who have shared their generous enthusiasm about the collection. Before Catherine OBrion wrote an article about me in June, she sent along this kind note.
"I am doing my best to do you and your book justice! I started reading more of it, but I wanted to comment on the first story about the Dalmatian (The Difference Between 3 and 30 by Ashley Warlick). I had a stuffed bunny, Bunky, when I was little and left it at the beach, cried the whole way home and it never turned up. Every year my mom searched for this bunny, never finding it, but buying other bunnies that were never as cute and never as soft. This year, my boyfriend found the same type of bunny on eBay. I haven't cried about that bunny in over fifteen years, but it felt good to be crying about the reunion instead of the loss. When I read the story in your book, I wanted to cry all over again because not only did I know how the child felt, but I think I also know how her mother felt. Anyway I really enjoyed it and learned something too. I can't wait to read the rest. Thanks again." -Catherine


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