An Angel in the House No More

Pick up a copy of the San Francisco Chronicle today. I'm very briefly quoted in Heidi Benson's piece, although I recall having also told her that women's anthologies are coming out as a sort of backlash to the chick lit phenomenon. To label women's stories as chick lit undermines the value of childbirth, raising children, and the pull of having a career vs. a family, and the blossoming of one's creative drive and wisdom. It's an insipid way of labeling women's stories and significant aspects of their lives as uninteresting or not worth reading. I also said I didn't know what the stats are exactly, but the majority of book buyers are women. So it stands to reason that they're craving an opportunity to read about other women's experiences. Consequently, more of their stories are coming out in films, novels, and other media. I was stunned by the number of women who wanted to reveal very intimate details about their lives in TMQ. I was a little disappointed I wasn't attributed more in her article, but live and learn.
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