August and Everything After

When we arrived at BookCourt around 8, Ayun Halliday strolled in fresh as a daisy after her afternoon swim. She told me Henry Zook, the owner of BookCourt, lives above the shop. Seeing Louise Jarvis Flynn again for the first time since high school was surreal. Looking into her eyes, I had a flashback to midnight at her house eating Pepperidge Farm crab soup and watching Angel Heart. The thought of that film still gives me the creeps. The young bookstore clerk then informed me the woman meant to introduce us would be thirty minutes late and would we like to wait? No, we would not. So I had to wing it. I introduced the book and then Jennifer Baumgardner, Louise Jarvis Flynn, Kimberley Askew, Sara Woster, Heather Chaplin, Ayun Halliday, Ivy Meeropol, and Heather Juergensen read their essays. Just as Ivy took the counter/podium, I had a little coughing fit brought on by my lingering cold. The resourceful Jen B. came to my rescue with a cough drop and thankfully I recovered my composure. I felt so unmoored by hearing and seeing sweet Ivy read. In all the time I edited her piece, I thought I had understood the gravity and magnitude of her family's legacy and then I heard her say, "my grandparents," and I lost it. I am not an overly emotional person given to creating scenes, but while she was reading, I was reminded of Ivy's description in her essay of her father, Michael, nervously shuffling through his papers when he was called on to speak during a hearing on the Venona documents. I thought of how flustered and emotional he must have felt in those moments and now here was Ivy standing before everyone sharing how she felt about her grandparents' legacy. I suddenly felt how heartbreaking and horrifying her experience and her father's experiences must have been.
And then the quiet Q&A. Heather Chaplin was asked how her "people" (most notably her parents) had felt about her piece? She joked that "no one knew about it and it stays in this room with all of us. " When one man asked what we thought our next wild ride would be, Heather Juergensen mentioned Winkie Rose and how we expected our lives to get better with every decade. We had a great crowd at the event: Deirdre Dolan, my agent Jennifer Carlson, my editor Sara Carder, Meg Leder, our token male spouses: Heather's honey Aaron Ruby, Sara's love Rob Fischer, Louise's hubby Sean Flynn, Amy Piper a woman from my high school(!), and various friends.

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