Monday, August 07, 2006

C'est la Vie!

Below is a letter from one of MQ Kim Askew's friends from her French Pod Class group.
Dear Kim,
First, I have to say I really love The May Queen! I mean, I expected it to be good, but I didn't expect it to be my favorite book of the summer which I am passing around to all my girlfriends. Almost all of the stories give me the sense of, had things gone just a little bit differently, that could have been me or my friends. Your piece (Hold Your Applause, Please) in particular really resonated with me. It certainly made me think--I was engaged at 19 to an Air Force non-commissioned officer, but called it off four months before the wedding day. Anyway, I'm sure you have people coming out of the woodwork to tell you their stories after this! But then again, that's one of the best aspects of this book--it opens the door to conversations that might otherwise not take place, especially regarding how it feels to not "have it all" when we were all raised believing that we could. So thank you for a wonderful introduction to a great book!
-Wendy S.


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