LA Lady

Kim and I got to spend the weekend of May 12 with her good friend Amy Helmes in her Beverly Hills apartment. Amy is such a breath of fresh air and so funny. The reading at Dutton's in Brentwood that Friday began as a sort of reunion for most of us. When Erin Cressida Wilson, Heather Juergensen, and Meghan Daum arrived, it felt as if we were greeting old friends. Dutton's staff were expecially gracious and kind. Erin and I launched into a pre-reading conversation about work and our children who were born a day apart. It was a great pleasure to finally meet Deb Norton when she waltzed in with her boyfriend Chris Nottoli and her mother. Kim and I were lucky enough to get to see Deb and Chris perform together in her fantastic play The Whole Banana. The reading went splendidly. After the book signing, I really enjoyed talking to Dutton's Diane Leslie -a very charming and engaging author and bookseller.

I'm grateful to the people who attended our reading including my smashing friend Emily Vassos' sister Jenny, Theresa Duncan from Wit of the Staircase and her handsome boyfriend, Erin's adorable son Liam, Glenn Zucman, Margaret and Chris and their two sweethearts Sophia and Zoe, among other friends.

After the reading, we had a fabulous time toasting each other at Air-Conditioned, a lounge which Heather J.'s hairstylist recommended to us. When the long-anticipated cheese plate was no longer available, Kim's friend Scott made a quick trip for Mexican food around the corner and kindly brought it back to the bar to share with our party of starving literati. Deb Norton gave me some great tips on how she launched her successful teaching career and I also spoke with Scott's sweet girlfriend Masha Sapron about her play on turning 30.

Things I loved about our trip: Dinner at Cobras & Matadors (delicious and so affordable), our two hour chat with the delightful parfumeur at Strange Invisible, and drinks at The Dresden with Marty and Elayne. Thanks to Amy Helmes and Deb's mom for the wonderful photographs! I'm sorry we didn't get a photo with everyone included. Next world tour!
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