Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Different Worlds Many Voices

Our reading at Book Passage last Thursday night was a great success. After Flor Morales read her piece from TMQ, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Marin Literacy Program hosted the event as a way to honor students who read from their anthology of writings Different Worlds Many Voices. We also had the rare treat of seeing a video of inmates at San Quentin reading their stories and poetry.

Flor reading from TMQ above. Many thanks to our friends in the packed audience including my sister-in-law Ginette King, Jennifer Carden, and Kala Venugopal.
Flor signing a copy of Different Worlds Many Voices above. Susan Charlton the woman who matched Flor and I four years ago was promoted to Program Director. She gave a very heartfelt speech about the importance of the work MLP does in our county. I was honored to meet Elaine Petrocelli who kindly presented me with embossed, personalized stationery as a gift. Quite a sweet surprise. After the event, we met many interesting tutors and students alike. Photos courtesy of Paul Kagawa Photography photo@paulkagawa.com.


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